Kindred Spirit

I'm feeling much better today. The sore throat is gone, and I'm in the nasty cough stage. I got a couple of new items in the mail from Anthropologie today, and I love them both. So, you'd think I'd be in a good mood, but I've got a severe case of the blah's today. For one, I'm not lovin this weather. It was almost 90 today and extremely humid. I hate weather like this especially in the Fall. Also, I was excited about today's photo shoot because I love this dress, but I ended up not loving any of the photos. I don't know, maybe I'm just sick of myself! LOL! The photos today were taken at my dad's place which used to be my Great Aunt Zulieme's place. She left it to my dad when she died. This was an old storage building where my sister and I found tons of antiques that used to belong to my Aunt Z. My sister is really into antiques, so she took most of the stuff, but I got some cool old books. One of them has Aunt Z's signature in it with the date March 1, 1921 - pretty old stuff! Well, I'm being summoned to dinner. My husband cooked steaks tonight! Hopefully, I'll be in better "spirits" tomorrow! LOL! Have a great night!

Aunt Z 002

Aunt Z 008

Aunt Z 013

Aunt Z 018

Aunt Z 035

Aunt Z 044

Aunt Z 046

Aunt Z 038

Aunt Z 065

Aunt Z 067
Belt: Anthropologie Snake Bite Belt
Necklace: Anthropologie Pessinus Garden Necklace
Ring: The Limited
Hair Pin: The Limited

Aunt Z's old book:
Aunt Z 068


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