Favorite Photos in HD

Happy Friday! Given that this blog has become a photo bonanza, I thought it was time to upgrade from Standard Definition to HD. I've made a few visual changes to the blog to accomodate larger photos. I don't really know what I'm doing, so if anything looks crazy let me know. I want to start posting larger photos to enhance the details of the clothing and scenery. I've also started a Flickr account, so I'm trying to get familiar on how to use it. This is my test post, so I thought I would post a few of my favorite photos from day's past. Please let me know if you prefer the larger size or if I'm too scary looking in HD. LOL! Thanks!

Here are some favs from my photographer friend:

Picture 22

Picture 19

Picture 18

Picture 14

Picture 20

Picture 38

Picture 3

Picture 12


Picture 35

Picture 3

And here are my favs from my photographer extraordinare hubby:




CottonPicking 066


Violet Gloaming 017


Rustic Farm 017

Monica's House 005


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