Decisions, Decisions...

My trip to Chapel Hill was so fun! We ate at Crooks Corner and saw the band Athlete at Local 506. The only bad thing was it took me forever to get there because some jerk planted a fake bomb on the interstate, shutting it down during rush hour traffic! Some people need to get a life! So, I stopped by Anthropologie on my way home today and tried on ALOT of stuff. I was there 2 hours! LOL! I will have reviews for you in the coming days. For now, I'm leaving you with my outfit from yesterday and a question. My husband has said I can order one thing I tried on today, but I can't decided what to get. I need your help readers! Which one of the following should I get? The Zoya Dress ($80) or The Mint Julep Top ($78). Thanks!

Dress: Urban Outfitters Staring at Stars Chiffon Sundress



  1. Dress, the top will go on sale later on.

  2. The mint julep top is so flattering on you! I like it on you better than the dress, but I agree that it will probably go on sale in the future...

    I just have to vote for the top though. It looks like it was made just for you.

  3. I'm casting my vote for the dress. While you may not get as much wear from it right away, I think you will hang onto a dress longer and over time it is a better investment. Either way, they both look great on you!

  4. I vote the Zoya's so cute on you!!!

  5. Oh wow!! I was going to vote for the Zoya, but then I saw the top on you! They both look great on you. I agree with the above comments that the top will go on sale, but I have to cast my vote for the one that you think you will get the most wear out of. You rock them both fabulously! :)

  6. Zoya, Zoya, Zoya! No doubt. It's so figure flattering.

  7. Ack, a fake bomb?! What a terrible joke :( Sorry you had to deal with the fallout!

    As for the what-to-bring-home question, I say Zoya all the way! It flatters your figure so nicely! The Mint Julep sort of hides it a bit (though it still looks nice overall). Plus, as others have said, the top is sure to go on sale later for way cheaper, whereas the Zoya will most likely sell out at its current price.


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