Shoes: Anthropologie Zaca Heels
Ring: Lucky Brand
"She sees them walking in a straight line. That's not really her style. And they all got the same heartbeat but hers is falling behind." - Echosmith
Well, here I am wearing the dress that everyone and their sister has blogged about. This dress is one popular little number and for good reason. It's both beautiful and comfortable. It also transitions well from Summer to Fall. Oh, and most importantly, it makes me want to break out into random twirls throughout the day while singing The Sound of Music.
I must admit, though. I'm kinda jealous of this little dress's ability to be loved by the masses. I've never been one of the cool kids. If you read the comments on my last blog post then you know that I managed to piss off one of the last people who comments regularly on this here old blog. Only I could get into an argument with a reader while averaging 2 posts a month and even less comments. To say I'm not a "people person" is a bit of an understatement.
For example, take my number of followers over there on the right hand side. I have had around 360 of them for the past 3 years. That number has not budged in 3 fucking years! It's crazy, especially when you consider that I still average about 400 hits a day even with my pitiful amount of postings. I know people are looking, but they sure as hell ain't following.
It's not like a want lots of followers for the more common reasons like monetization and free stuff. Although, I'm not gonna lie that sure would be nice. I've got a pair of free glasses coming my way just for being a blogger, and you would think I had won the damn lottery because I'm so excited about it. Free stuff is all well and good, but I have more humble and corny reasons for wishing that follower number would budge a little. Put simply, I just want to be loved. I mean, isn't that what we all want, really?
I look at my kids, and I see that their main motivation for doing anything is to get approval from me and their father. "Look at this, mommy!" is probably one of the most uttered phrases in my household. I don't hear it as much from my 12 year old these days, and I guess that's the way it's suppose to be. As we get older, we should require less and less validation from others, but I believe for most of us, no matter how old we get or how hard we try to suppress it, the need to be excepted never completely goes away.
I'm reminded of this as I get ready to host my very first Halloween Party. I've always wanted to throw a Halloween party but have been too scared of the inevitable rejection that comes with either no one showing up or no one enjoying it. This year, though, I said "Fuck it!", and invited 60 people to my house for a Halloween Bash. The party is tomorrow, and I have 4 confirmed guests. 4. I'm trying to look at the bright side... At least it's not 0, and my hostess duties will be much less stressful. However, it's hard not to get discouraged when you can't even bribe people to hang out with you with the promise of free booze.
I'm trying to tell myself, though, that it's not always about me. I need to stop taking things so personally. Most of these people have kids, and it is Halloween after all. Some have to work. Some probably just don't like me, and that's okay. Life isn't all about being popular. Quality over quantity is my motto where friends are concerned. The important thing is that I don't let my insecurities keep me in the shadows like they did for so long. I need to keep putting myself out into the world, and if the world doesn't appreciate what I have to give then that's the world's problem not mine.
I love that dress on you. You look beautiful. Love the hair up! Have fun at your Halloween party. Halloween parties on the actual day of Halloween are hard. I am sure it is that most people are trick or treating with kids. I, myself, will be drinking alone and passing out candy. Cheers!
Best dress ever. You look as beautiful as a watercolor painting. I adorethe grey tassel dress below too.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if I'm one of your followers, but you show up in my Bloglovin feed. The dress looks really nice on you. It's such a pretty dress and the colors are great with your coloring.
ReplyDeleteAs for the party, as far I'm concerned, so long as you have one good friend to drink some wine with, it's a party. Dress up and have fun!
The dress looks great on you. Its an awesome dress and looks perfect with your coloring.
ReplyDeleteAs for the party, as far I'm concerned, if you've got one friend and some wine, its a party! Dress up and have fun.
Hmmmm. I left a longer comment yesterday, but it did not show up. I love this dress on you. I love your hair up! I hope you had a great Halloween party! : )
I loved that dress and I really wanted it especially at sale price but wasn't sure if it will look good on me since I'm not tall, skinny or young but on you it looks very good, I think it's the placement of different fabrics because it doesn't look like a tent. I finally got my own Anthro in the city so now I would able to see and try a lot of things and hopefully will not miss any gems.
ReplyDeleteI hope you had an awesome Halloween!
Hey Bonnie - I hear you about Halloween parties...it is hard when you have to compete with the actual trick-or-treating, and other parties (bars, etc do a great job at Halloween, and it's hard to resist going out all dressed up to dance - it used to be the only time I went to a bar!) so I try to throw my Halloween bashes at least one week, if not two before the 31st. Turn-out is generally super successful then. (Plus, it's warmer for the outdoor activities - bonfire, etc. Two weeks at the end of October can mean the difference between cute Halloween outfits and snowsuits here in Ontario!) Hope you had fun :o)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the suggestions! They make perfect sense! Since when do you know me to do anything that makes perfect sense? LOL!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Olya! I'm so happy to hear that you finally got a store in your city!
ReplyDeleteYeah, I don't think many people "follow" anymore, but thanks for reading through Bloglovin! I read your comment the night before my party, and it gave me a much needed boost! There were only 6 of us, but we dressed up and had a really good time!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Amy!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Jenni! Drinking alone and passing out candy sounds glorious! Parties are stressful!
ReplyDeleteSo cute!